Chicagoland RACF Users Group


General Information:

CHIRUG was started in 1998 to bring people together with the goal of sharing information and ideas. We meet about 4 times per year and meetings are typically held either by webinar or at Ensono (formerly Acxiom) in Downers Grove, Illinois. We look for speakers with expertise in security, audit and compliance-related topics specific to mainframe environments. Whether it's RACF, network, unix system services, PCI compliance, etc. we strive for driving the presentation and discussion with a mainframe z/OS focus.



Membership is free. We welcome security professionals, systems programmers, auditors, IT managers, and whoever else feels the topics are of relevance to them. Our members span the Chicago and suburban areas as well as other Illinois locations, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa. We also have members who are outside of these locations who enjoy the free membership and attendance to our meetings via webinar.


Point of Contact:

Sue Marvel, Ensono


Upcoming Meetings:

Contact Sue Marvel for meeting details.


RACF is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

Webpage provided courtesy of RSH Consulting, Inc.