Kentucky-Ohio-Indiana RACF Users Group


General Information:

KOIRUG was created in 2003 to serve the professional education needs of the RACF community in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. We hold 2 full-day meetings per year - in the Spring and Fall. KOIRUG usually meets in the Cincinnati area.


Membership is free. If you would like to receive meeting announcements and participate in surveys to help select presentation topics, please contact us.


Points of Contact:

Donald Lapham, Cincinnati Financial

Sandra Carroll


Upcoming Meetings:

The date, location, and agenda for our next next meeting are yet to be determined. Please check back later for more details.


Past Meetings Agendas:

Dates, sponsors, topics, and speakers from our past meetings.


RACF is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

Webpage provided courtesy of RSH Consulting, Inc.